So, with this very much in mind, we teetered out but when we passed the entrance to the coniferous plantation we noticed that....
....the ground was devoid of snow. I assume that the snow had been caught by the leaves high above, and then melted in the sunshine.
So we followed the route which we use to get down to the village, and found that the only unpleasant sections were the few steep, snow-covered slopes along the track.
Places like Roe Corner were transformed by the snow and, living up to its name, it had plenty of....
....we'd named Speckled Wood, not for its dappled sunlight but for the speckled wood butterflies which flourished here last summer.
The forested areas were almost devoid of bird life - this bird, which I can't identify, being one of the exceptions - except along the sections of the path which backed on to gardens with feeders; and there was no sign of any squirrels.
That's a Redwing Jon, perched in his breakfast tree. Thank you for taking us on your walks.