Low tide and not a breath of wind when we arrived at Littleferry this morning, an arrival timed perfectly with the sun coming out from behind high cloud. We found that huge amounts of sand had reappeared both in the mouth of the loch and....
....along a mile or so of beach, which enabled us, for the first time in many months, to walk out to....
....where the remains of the wreck of the
SS Totnes lie amongst the shifting sands - see earlier post
here. This time more of the wreck was visible, so one could clearly see her whole length of 38m as well as.....
...look closely at her - this was her bridge, at the stern of the vessel. Last time I wrote about her I could find little information online but there's now some more
As we drove home we stopped by Loch Fleet to find very little in the way of bird life out on the mudflats but, as we sat, a small flock of twenty or more curlews arrived and....
....started feeding.
We continue to notice the paucity of shorebird life along Golspie's beaches and at the mouth of Loch Fleet. Today we saw oystercatchers in some numbers but otherwise only a few widgeon, one cormorant, a guillemot, a couple of redshank and some gulls.
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