Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Slow Recovery

While the coast to the north of us still hasn't recovered from October and November's storms, there are the first hints of a return to normal. For a start, small patches of sand are beginning to appear, this along a beach which used to be largely sand. 

The wildlife is returning too. Today we saw....

....the largest flock of redshanks in some time, of which these are a few. They were feeding on the tops of the great banks of seaweed which have accumulated in the last few weeks.

The rock doves are still here in large numbers. They spend much of their time along the beach - they too like the piles of weed - but when they get the chance they take advantage of a south-facing roof which catches the sunshine.

We were at Tain yesterday where, as usual, Mrs MW shopped at Lidl while I walked down to check on the scalps which are usually crowded with ducks at this time of year: there were hardly any close in, the only visitors being a pair of mute swans.


  1. A beautiful photograph of the swan; the light, pose and ripples are perfect.

    1. Yes, captured thanks to the amazing technology in the modern digital camera.
