Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Soggy Walk

I spent a couple of soggy hours in Dunrobin's soggy woods this morning looking for fungi and this was all I found, an equally soggy bouquet of very tired puffballs, except....

....on checking the path that passes this standing stone where, last year, we found half-a-dozen scarlet elf cups, they....

....were there again, but only these two. They were 'flowering' in the perfect elf cup environment, on a bed of moss covering a branch of very rotten wood. There must be....

....thousands of places in these woods which offer this environment but don't host scarlet elf cups, and then one stumbles upon a site.... which they thrive. This is a picture today of the 'original' elf cup site where, a couple of weeks ago - see post here - we found the highest concentration of this fungus ever. Today there were even more, some of them....

....crowded together on a favoured branch. At a guess, there were upward of 80 fruiting bodies in an area of perhaps four square metres, a....

....glorious little garden burning brightly in the incessant rain.


  1. I'm thinking of an interesting experiment. Take a single Scarlet Elf Cup fruiting body and place it in a similar woodland habitat that presently has no fungi growing. Place it spore side down on a favourable moss-covered branch to alow the spores to enter the wood structure. Maybe next year, there will be signs of another community.

    1. Worth a try, Derryck. The woods certainly need some cheering up - I can't remember so few fungi in previous years.
