Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Suffolk in Summer

Suffolk isn't labouring under the heat it endured last summer but we've had plenty of sunshine to keep us happy - albeit sometimes with too cool a breeze - and a few fine sunsets to end the day.

The tadpoles are still in our little pond, the temperature of which is rising with each warm day, so at some point they'll have to leave the helpings of Gill's best home-made wholemeal bread I give them and make their own way in life.

In one of the local ponds there are two shoals of tiddlers, both of which include a single goldfish. I don't know what species the brown fish are but they may be carp. On one occasion we saw a very large goldfish in the pond so all of these may be his/her offspring.

There are now plenty of dragon- and damselflies around. This is a new one for me, a male red-eyed damselfly while....

....this is the first emperor dragonfly I've managed to photograph. It's a male, and I'm rather pleased as the emperor is Britain's largest dragonfly.

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