I took a brisk walk along a low-tide Golspie beach for a couple of hours this morning, finding it very crowded - I counted eight people and six dogs in the time - but almost deserted of wildlife. I keep going on about the lack of sea and wading birds and the almost total absence of anything washed up along the tidelines except....
....the occasional crab, but I do wonder whether there's something rather serious going on. The sort of thing I notice is....
....the terns which were busy flying up and down the beach but I didn't see one dive down to the water to feed. If there's no small fish washed up I wonder whether there are any out there for them to eat.
It's certainly an odd summer. After a long period of almost 'drought' conditions we had a spectacular thunderstorm on Tuesday night followed by torrential rain which continued for most of yesterday. There are still heavy showers around today but the temperatures haven't recovered: it was just 15C when I left the house this morning, and Saturday's maximum is forecast to be a miserable 13C.
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