Sunday, December 26, 2021

Ferry Woods

One of the pleasures of driving out along the Littleferry road to the south of Golspie is the variety of walks that are available from it. One of my favourites is this one, parking just short of Littleferry itself and then walking through Ferry Wood to the beach followed by a....

....brisk walk along sands which are often almost deserted to the....

....mouth of Loch Fleet. One can then return along the links but an alternative is to cut across them and plunge back into Ferry Wood. The next section, along the edge of the fields of a small, well-kept farm, is through woodland which has seen several phases of planting.

The older trees, randomly scattered and mainly Scots pines, seem to occupy the many and rather mysterious mounds which are a feature of the woods, while....

....much more densely packed, younger, plantation conifers fill the gaps between them.

The dark, silent trees, and the masses of moss, lichen and fungi, suggest that this is woodland which is ancient and has a story to tell, but one which is buried in the mists of time. If only one could strip back the dense layers of mosses and heathers that cover the ground, perhaps one could see this past a little more clearly.

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