Friday, September 30, 2022

An Apology

It's coming in to the fungal time of year when, unless it's something rather garish like this fly agaric, a fungus is quite likely to be buried or otherwise camouflaged in fallen leaves so, as was necessary with....

....this rather pretty little group, a certain amount of 'gardening' has to happen before a photo can be taken which displays the fungus at its best. The trouble is that, in doing this, there's a risk of damaging or, as happened here, even uprooting one of the fruiting bodies.

When this happened I found myself apologising, out loud, to the fungus. At first I thought myself an idiot for doing this, and wondered what someone would have thought if they'd overheard me, but then I remembered that, although a fungus may not be a sentient being able to hear and understand my words, it is an object of both beauty and sublime complexity and the apology was no more than a deserved recognition of this.


  1. That's normal Jon, I appologise all the time; when I tread on a snail, accidentally kill a fly when letting it out of the window, walk through a magnificent spider's web that took her all night to spin, run out of food just when another duck appears. Being an enthusiastic observer in this wonderful world results in occasional mishaps, but I'm glad you do observe, so that we can see. Thank you Jon.

  2. Many thanks for the comment, Derryck. So good to know that I'm not the only one who talks, unashamedly, to the natural world.
