Saturday, March 16, 2024

Priority at the Feeder

I was standing by the sink doing the lunchtime washing up when I noticed two goldfinches on the sunflower seed feeder. I love goldfinches, they are such smart little birds and we don't see them often enough, but I was a bit puzzled that the one waiting didn't go onto the far side of the feeder - until I realised that it was already occupied, by a siskin. Siskins are a good bit smaller than a goldfinch but no-one argues with a siskin.

1 comment:

  1. We are blessed here in Devon by many feeders in local gardens that have helped the local community of Goldfinches attain a number as I have never seen before. Two weeks ago, I heard a gentle tinkling of birdsong getting louder as more birds arrived in the top of one of our larch trees. I prepared myself to count knowing the birds would likely leave as a flock, and when they did, all at once, I estimated 35-45.
