Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Joy of Wild Orchids

For the first time since I spent six days in the large hospital in Inverness, this morning I managed to walk out beyond the confines of our house and up the track that leads to the forestry. I managed a couple of hundred metres, which seemed a huge achievement at the time, but it was sufficient to take me as far as the nearest group of....

....wild orchids. They are a little past their prime and paler than the usual local northern marsh orchids but I was thrilled to see them.

It was a small step in what is evidently going to be a long road to full recovery but it gave me great pleasure.


  1. Glad to see you back, Jon!

  2. Well done Jon. Good to see you up and about again.
    Good also to see the orchid, and with it the Mare's Tail (Horsetail) which is a very old group of plants from the Carboniferous period 350Ma.
