Monday, June 24, 2024


Sincere apologies to those of you 'out there' who are followers of this humble blog for the sudden loss of service - but then I'm not too sure how many of you would have been interested in the views I've been enjoying for the last few days, for this is the view from one of the downstairs wards in Raigmore, the big Highland hospital in Inverness where I suddenly found myself.

Hospitals are pretty dismal places at the best of times but what depressed me further was that all the wards in my area looked out into enclosed courtyards where, in the old days, patients could have taken themselves on a fine day to enjoy the sunshine. This, for health & safety reasons, can no longer happen.

So these courtyards have no purpose except to bring very limited natural daylight into the wards. Except.... As you would expect, something sees our misfortune as an opportunity, and the 'something' in this case was a very smart male blackbird which, judging by his very full beak, had found a wonderful place to catch insects for his brood.


  1. Get well soon Jon. Frustrating as you must be, you're in the best place.

    1. Great to hear from you again, Peter, and thank you for your good wishes. Jon

  2. How good to "hear" your voice once more. We do hope that you are feeling better and improving day by day. We are keeping in touch via Gill and have you in our thoughts. People like you are not supposed to suffer from these indiscriminate infections or contagions, but are expected to sail through life without affliction or disorder.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Hoping for a speedy recovery Jon. May you soon be back in the fresh air where you belong.
