Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sun! Sun! Sun!

Sun.... we have some sunshine at last, with blue skies, light winds and a rising temperature, a perfect day for a very slow wander through the countryside near our house, with lots of time leaning on stone walls or sitting on logs just looking out for whatever might pass.

That said, the first thing of any excitement wasn't moving and was found by chance. In Speckled Wood the speckled wood butterflies were still far too cold to fly, so I was lucky to spot this one which had found a convenient twig on which to sit while it soaked up the sun, and, incidentally, enabling me to get very close....

....for its portrait - and what a beautiful little butterfly it is.

Then I noticed this rather fearsome and quite large fly with its very distinctive pale yellow spot which, I expected, would make it easy to identify on the internet. Sadly, it wasn't, so I don't know what it is.

This great tit with its rather feeble black bib is, I think, a female. She spent some time on a branch immediately over my head scolding me, but not so seriously that she had a brood nearby but, oh dear....

....I did get very severely shouted at by this willow warbler which very obviously had young nearby.


  1. The large fly is one the the sawflies, a Cimbex, maybe the Elm or Birch, I can't say which. What a perfect Willow Warbler photograph Jon!

    1. Thanks for identifying the fly - I thought you might be able to.
      The little warbler came so close, really having a go at me, so it wasn't difficult to get a couple of good shots of it.
      We're back to normal service here: rain!
