Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Roe Deer Encounter

On our walk to the village this morning to collect a daily paper we spotted a roe doe in the field just by Roe Corner. She evidently had't seen us, even though we were only about thirty metres from her, and....
....even when she did see us she at first didn't seem too concerned. However, perhaps because we didn't 'move on' as probably most people walking the path do, she suddenly....

....ran to our left and towards us, as if she might jump the fence into Speckled Wood, but changed her mind and returned.... where we had first seen her. She now looked much more alarmed, and again....

....ran back towards the trees, standing to watch us for a couple of minutes before returning, yet again, to where we had first seen her - at which point we, slowly, backed off and headed for the shops.

However, on our return, she was back close to where we had first seen her.

I wonder if this is the same roe doe as we saw with her kid a couple of weeks ago - see earlier post here - and that she has moved her young one from the field by the railway to the rather more suitable field by Roe Corner. This would explain her returning to the same spot, which is probably where the fawn was lying up.

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