Friday, May 24, 2024

A Happy Event

As well as being a very pleasant walk the path we follow from our house down to the village shops is fairly safe for old legs except for this section, where the good people who maintain the path - not for the benefit of walkers such as us but for the local Wildcat mountain bikers - have laid a section of stone paving which....

....can be slippery underfoot, particularly after rain. This is the worst bit but, from the top of the jump this morning, we caught sight of....

....a roe deer on the far side of the field, not many metres from the Inverness to Wick and Thurso railway line.  This seemed a strange place to choose, particularly as she didn't move, and we were beginning to wonder whether there was something wrong with her, the more so when....

....the 10.10 Inverness train came along the line and she still didn't move.

We were wondering whether she was sick or injured in some way, and whether we should contact the SSPCA, when the cause of her odd behaviour suddenly became apparent.

It does seem a strange place to keep your young as the two of them are very visible from several directions but it may be that the kid had only recently been born and was too young to move.

It seemed to be a good morning for deer as this is another female I saw at Roe Corner on my way home.

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