Friday, May 3, 2024

Spring, at Last?

One of the downsides of spring, when it finally decides to arrive, is that, while one can still hear the birds, the sudden explosion of leaves make it hard to see them and very difficult to photograph them. However, with the clever Cornell birdsong identification app, it's now much easier to identify them by their song - and, my Goodness, are they singing!

So today, by sight or by sound, we identified blackbird, blue tit, chaffinch, chiff-chaff, coal tit, goldcrest, martin, robin, rook, song thrush, tree creeper, willow warbler, wood pigeon, wren, and, with the warming day....

....the first speckled wood and orange-tip butterflies. Sadly, the butterflies weren't singing. I wonder what a butterfly song would sound like?

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