Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dead Calm

The shores of Loch Fleet this morning; tide falling; low, grey overcast with not a breath of wind and little to watch except....

....a pair of eider heading for the entrance to the loch where the outgoing tide race would carry them out to....

....their feeding grounds at sea.

If the loch lacked life the woodlands along its shores more than made up for it, with a chorus of birdsong, the Cornell Lab app telling us that some of the song came from....

....birds such as redpoll and linnet which we haven't seen in a long time. Not that we could see them in the forestry except momentarily in silhouette as they moved from branch to branch.

Walking back to the car across the links we found another wildflower first of the year, a single bloom of marsh cranesbill.

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