Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Roe Corner

Approaching roe corner on our way down to the village this morning we were barked at by this roe buck. A roe deer's bark is very like a dog's bark, but singly, and almost like a cough, and then repeated at intervals. Later we saw the roe deer mother again - surprisingly, she hadn't moved since we saw her on Friday - but there was no sign of her kid.

On our way home, we were watched by this doe, who also barked at us, before she was joined by....

....a second doe, the two then running away up the hill.

Just by roe corner we spotted the first green-veined white butterfly of the season, while above us....

....a buzzard soared.

Buzzards used to be common but we seem to be seeing fewer each year. At present, I would say that we're seeing more red kites than buzzards.

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