Thursday, May 30, 2024


This was the view this morning from my favourite bench sited along the rough coast track between Golspie and Dunrobin Castle. The forecast was for 16C, a strong northeasterly breeze and the occasional sharp shower: the forecasters got it right on the temperature and wind, wrong on the rain, so I was far too hot walking in full wet-weather gear.

It was a very peaceful scene. Not another walker passed me, and little wildlife was in evidence, just a few oystercatchers arguing amongst themselves, some common gulls, a sparrow hawk which seemed intent on being somewhere else, and a large seal which was asleep just off the jetty, bobbing up and down on the waves with its nose in the air.

Nor was there much wildlife on land, though the spring flowers are at their fresh best - particularly the yellows such as eggs and bacon, dandelions, buttercups and, just beginning to appear, yellow rattle. A single butterfly passed me, an orange tip which didn't stop.

I'm very fortunate to have such a quiet place to sit and contemplate the world. Paradoxically, it seems even quieter because one can just hear the traffic passing along the A9 half-a-mile away. But I do wish there was the wildlife which seemed so much busier even a year or two ago.

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