Sunday, May 19, 2024

Roe Corner

We've named this point on our morning walk down to the village, where the path through the woods emerges from the forestry, 'Roe Corner' because we've now seen so many roe deer from it - there's one in this picture if you can find it. Most of the roe deer we've seen have been females but on Friday....

....this male, which had been feeding close to the path when we disturbed it, suddenly got up and dashed away across the field.

If the sun is out we spend time at Roe Corner sitting on a log looking out across the fields, and while we're sitting there the butterflies come to us. This is another 'first' for the year, a large white which landed so close us us it was almost as if it wanted to be photographed.

This is another 'first' for the year, one of a small group of bugles growing in the woods just a few steps from Roe Corner.

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