Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Hazy Sunshine Day

We woke to a sunny morning spoiled by a gusty northeasterly breeze which, while not quite managing to create the rolling mist typical of haar, gave the day a chilly and hazy feel. Having the morning to myself, I walked north from the village along the ancient path that follows the coastline, passing below Dunrobin Castle and then passing this section of foreshore, formed of linear beds of a Jurassic limestone-clay sequence which is reported to contain fossil ammonites. Time was we used to walk on....

....beyond the gate at the north end of the castle woodland but this is now quite far enough, so I leaned on the gate for a while and watched the waves come in.

The walk yielded the first gilled fungi of the year, sadly not a species easy to identify, though there's an outside chance that it's St George's mushroom which is described as one of the first to appear in spring.

These stitchwort were doing well amongst the few bluebells which are coming in to flower - they do seem to be late this year - while.... extensive patch of grassland has been invaded by field horsetails.

The first martins are arriving, but few of them so far and, as best I can tell, mainly sand martins. Now they really are a sign of summer!

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