Monday, June 10, 2024

A Summer's Day

It's another grey, cold, breezy and showery day here, another day of typically Scottish 'summer', but none of this deters us from our almost-daily gentle walk down to the village shops along paths which wander through the woods and along the edges of fields.

I enjoy stopping in places where there is a view and, preferably, something to sit on, but this picture was taken leaning on a drystone wall. I enjoy being patient, just waiting to see what comes along. Mostly I am not rewarded but I was again today, with....

....the same roe doe as we saw on Saturday in almost the same place - which make me even more certain that her fawn is somewhere close by.

She was so close she must have seen me but I don't seem to worry her - which I take as a considerable compliment.

A little further on two juvenile pheasants crossed our path with....

....their mother watching anxiously from close by.

This is the first slime mould we've seen in some time, perhaps the beautifully named dog vomit slime mould. 

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