Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Littleferry Walk

We visited Littleferry this morning after an absence of several weeks to find, walking through the woods to reach the beach, amongst the wreckage of past winter storms, the first....

....creeping lady's tresses of the year, not yet in flower.

The tide was falling fast, leaving a wide beach depressingly empty of any wildlife beyond a few gulls. Happily, at the back of the beach, we saw....

....a pair of stonechats, a species which stays for the winter but which we haven't seen this year.

By contrast to the beach, the links are joyously crowded with new life. We found several puffballs, this one about 3" long, and masses of....

....gloriously coloured purple milk vetch vying for attention with....

....the first of Littleferry's sprouting army of northern marsh orchids.

In amongst this explosion of wildflowers we even found some early bell heather, a flower I associate with autumn.

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