Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Chill Day at Littleferry

Today started cold and grey with a chill northwester blowing so we went to Littleferry for a brisk walk along the beach but had hardly started when, just at the point where Loch Fleet opens to the sea, we found....

....a charnel house of dead starfish, crabs, razor shells, mussels and other bivalves, something we have come across at the same place before - see earlier post here - but not with such a variety of species involved. There must be something about the environment at this point, where fresh water meets the sea, to explain these events.

We also found several small plaice, which took Mrs MW right back to her childhood because she was fed plaice fairly regularly and didn't particularly like it; worse, she had to walk all the way in to Gloucester with her mother to collect the plaice from a MacFisheries shop which used to display their fish on a big marble slab facing the pavement. So we didn't take any of them home for supper.

As we set off briskly along the beach the sun was just beginning to show on the hills at the back of Golspie and....

....had come out by the time we had walked a good mile or so and had decided to turn back. In all we met seven people along the beach - a crowd by our standards - a man with two dogs, two couples with one dog, and a young mother with her little boy and no dog.

However, as we cut across the links on a short cut back to the car the grey clouds had started to reappear and by the time we reached home the sun was finished for the day.

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