Monday, December 14, 2020

Small Bird News

We were thrilled this morning to see the great spotted woodpecker in the rowan tree overlooking our bird feeders but it didn't stay long as the peanuts, which we know it likes, were....

....almost totally buried under tits - blue, great and coal varieties. The only feeder in this picture which isn't populated, the one on the left, is the nyjer feeder: the goldfinches are around - we saw one in the tree the other day - but they, like the woodpecker, are intimidated by the other birds. I did build a new feeder specifically for the woodpecker....

....but the tits have made it their own.

I'm not complaining about having more and more tits, I love them, but the rate of attrition of peanuts is frightening: Mrs MW has just had to order another 25kg sack from Highland Wholefoods - only the best for our birds!

A few other species are able to hold their own, the most conspicuous of which are the greenfinches, which will take no nonsense from tits. Quite a few of the males are already beginning to show their brighter colours ready for the next season's mating competition.

We also have chaffinches in some numbers, along with....

....a manageable supply of house sparrows, though we were a little concerned about this one as he looked a little sick. Incidentally, he's not caged: the netting is to keep the pesky jackdaws off.

We're still hoping to see more siskins. This one appeared in the rowan tree and spent some time watching proceedings on the feeders, but opted not to get involved.

Lastly, I have to report the spotting of a rather exotic black pheasant in the recreation field next to the house. We have no idea where he came from and he didn't stay long. He was probably frightened off by the tits.

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