Our walk this morning was restricted both by my knee and the miserable weather to an amble around the town but it had its excitements, including spotting this goosander associating with the mallard which hang around the mouth of the Golspie Burn in the hope of crusts of bread. I'm not sure we've seen a goosander before. It's a diving duck which feeds on fish caught with its wickedly serrated bill.
The local gulls have absolutely no sense of decorum, though mating on one of the paths through the graveyard is probably less insensitive than choosing the top of an urn on one of the many monuments, and it certainly irritates me less than when they choose our roof for their noisy amours.
Our lunchtime amusement every day is provided by the local small bird population which is fed generously for its troubles. This goldfinch, however, was busy finding seeds in the alpine bed, scrupulously ignoring the nyjer feeder.
Plenty of blue tits come to the peanut feeders. This feeder is a few feet from where we sit for our lunch, so our regulars have become quite used to us. Some, like this one, become so full of peanuts they can hardly move.
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