Friday, December 28, 2018

Life at 10 Fountain Lane

From the photographs in our album anyone would have thought that our lives in Hockley were spent almost entirely in a sunny garden. Memory plays tricks but, thinking back, we did get our moneysworth from the garden, which was ideal for our needs. This picture shows Lizzie and Katy with their cousins, Ben and Giselle.

Friends seemed to drop by and assist on special occasions. This is Katy's 6th birthday party in 1980, when Ann Campos, a colleague of ours at Chalvedon, came round to help. Ann taught in the Home Economics department while her husband, Dave, was head of science. He and I spent many hours playing with the school's first computer, a Research Machines 380Z. It had a massive 56KB of user RAM and sold at an equally massive price, something over £1,000. We spent hours programming it but I can't remember anything useful every resulting.

I have no memory of this occasion but it shows Lizzie and Katy with their friend Annabel in fancy dress - Gill kept a bag of oddments for this purpose. Again, we knew Annabel through Chalvedon, her father John having the unenviable job of being in charge of the school's 'sin bin' - though we weren't allowed to call it that. Note that Lizzie is wearing her mother's shoes.

This is a portrait, probably taken in the autumn of 1979, by our friend Rick Canton who taught with us in Jamaica and who now lived with his family to the north of London. We had kept in touch and they....

....visited us and we drove across to their house. Irene is holding David with their son Christian to their right, while Rick sits with their daughter Rachel.

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