Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Ben Bhraggie Forestry

Golspie is an elongated town, squeezed between the Moray Firth and the heights of Ben Bhraggie, which is why it offers us such a wide choice of walks from our front door - seaside ones or walks up into the hills.

Today, after spending a ridiculous proportion of the morning in battle with Vodafone, who have made a mess of sending me a new SIM, and with the day as damp as we could wish it, we opted for a brief walk into the hills, into forestry which dripped with moisture.

The higher we climbed, the more the mist closed in, but it was enjoyable because every walk in this new place is an exploration and because it was wonderful to escape the lunatic pressures that our modern lifestyle imposes upon us. Perversely, it is also very good to be back in true Scottish weather.

In kinder conditions the many paths and tracks would have been shared with mountain bikers but we saw no-one. Some of the bikers' jumps are frightening - like this one where a neatly constructed sandstone ramp leads up to a precipitous drop into the woodland.

As we walked back into the town we passed under a bridge which carries the railway just in time to see the 2.47 express pass through on its two-hour journey from Golspie to Inverness. Even though it was still 'broad daylight', the camera simply couldn't cope.

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