We walk every day, whatever the weather, usually around two to three miles, today's effort being up the road towards Backies and then home down the Golspie Glen. The countryside is beginning to take on the feel of autumn, with more and more....
....fungi visible, this impressive one, about an open hand's width in size, being relatively certainly identified as an orange birch bolete. The boletes are common here, being in a group called....
....the pores, named for their undersides, in contrast to the gills of fungi like the common field mushroom.
As we approached home we came upon this sorry sight. We've seen more hedgehogs dead on the road in the last couple of weeks than we've seen in a year, which is always sad but does, at least, mean that there are hedgehogs around. This one looks as if it was making a last despairing effort to get out of the way as it was hit.
However, we cheered up as we entered our gate, beside which is a gloriously coloured buddleia called black knight, upon which several bees and this butterfly were feeding. Surprisingly, it's another painted lady, a migrant from sunnier climes to the south of us.
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