Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Otter Hunt

Our hunt for the otters we've frequently been told inhabit this coastline continues, and spots like this, some half-a-mile to the north of Dunrobin Castle, are a good place to look. 

Here a small burn which has been buried in a drain under the field emerges to run down the beach. It's exactly the sort of place which otters will visit to have a wash in fresh water, this mainly to remove the salt from their fur, something they have to do regularly.

There's some evidence that they come here. Otters leave their spraint on small prominences around their washing place, and we found four stones which they had used, though all of them were at least several days old.

So the hunt continues. At least we have further evidence that they are there to be found, but our lack of success is frustrating. Never mind....

....the pair of dippers is still to be seen near the footbridge over the Golspie burn, and they may even be nesting in one of the crannies in the wall that confines the burn near the bridge.

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