Thursday, April 11, 2024

More Firsts

Today's a very welcome fine if hazy day but my walk along the coast path this morning was dominated by a strong and gusty southwester. Under it, a rapidly rising tide was steadily forcing....

....more and more of the cormorants whose favoured roost is on the slippery rocks and boulders of a spit-like structure which sticks out at right-angles to the shore to take off and go fishing. I was watching them when they were joined in the air by what was instantly recognisable from its short, harsh call as....

....the first sandwich tern of the year, back from its winter hunting grounds along the western coast of Africa, anywhere from Morocco to Namibia.

A little further along, just before the path reaches Dunrobin Castle grounds, it dives into a tunnel through shrubs dominated by sea buckthorn but which also include willow and what I think is blackthorn. The blackthorn has just come into flower and on them I found a real surprise....

....the first butterfly of the year, a very smart peacock which, unlike the tern, has managed to over-winter in this cold and damp place.


  1. Our neighbour spotted the first swallow on Monday and I saw them today. A familiar sound in the air again! Maybe this southerly warm breeze will bring you a swallow or two before long.

    1. Yes, saw what we're almost certain was our first swallow or martin this morning. Now I need a photograph....
