Saturday, January 21, 2023

Eagle or Buzzard?

We've been watching buzzards and eagles - both golden and white-tailed - for a quarter of a century and I still have trouble telling them apart when they're in silhouette high above, unless they flap their wings - buzzards have a faster wing-flap - or unless there's something up there with them to give a sense of scale, like a gull.

So when these two raptors wheeled above us for ten minutes this morning, didn't flap their wings once, and were ignored by the local crow and gull population....

....I didn't know whether we were looking at one of our increasingly rare local buzzard pairs, or whether we were enjoying the first good sighting of Sutherland golden eagles.

When I looked at the above image I think they were golden eagles but....

....this image looks more like a buzzard, an image which....

....I've managed to enhance so the under-wing pattern is visible.

I think they're buzzards but I'm still far from certain. Is there anyone out there who can help?


  1. I immediately thought Goldie following a Buzzard when I first saw the picture. The eagles wing is longer to its width and straighter along the leading edge and also more of a notch where it meats the body. More help needed from an expert. Try the Rapter in Kilchoan :)

    1. Good to hear from you, Derryck. I've been told by someone who has good knowledge of this identification problem that it's probably a buzzard but I'm still not convinced.
