Friday, September 6, 2024

A Giant Fungus

"Mist and then fog" the forecast promised for this morning so, when we walked through the woods on our way down to the village for a paper we were on the lookout for the group that most favours those sort of damp, dreary conditions - the fungi. However, what we stumbled across just off this path to the left in the picture was.... of the largest fungi groupings we've ever found. That it was in such beautiful condition, and the fact that Mrs MW had passed this way on Wednesday and not seen it, suggested it had only just appeared.

Of course the fun in all these discoveries is in the identification. This picture proves it is one of the gills but, beyond that, I'm stuck, despite spending some considerable time 'surfing' the internet for large, brown gill fungi. But then, as I keep telling myself, it's not the artifice of human classification that matters, it's the wonder of finding something which, in its own way, is beautiful.

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