Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Above the Trees

If we walk far enough up the forestry track which passes our house we can escape from the pine plantations onto the open moor which, did we have the energy, would have allowed us to climb Silver Rock and given us fine views down onto Loch Fleet. As it is, it's a pleasure to be out into a very different habitat, one which encourages....

....the least-familiar species of the three heathers, cross-leaved heath, as well as....

....devil's-bit scabious. There's also something very special about this bleak and wind-swept environment, a sense of freedom, of escape from the pressures of our human world into land which very few people care to visit.

We were up there on Saturday, in exceptionally sunny weather which had brought out....

....a small copper, one of several of these delicate and locally not-so-common little butterflies we've seen this year.

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