Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Esvagt Alba

From our sitting room, looking out over the neighbouring rooftops and away across the Moray Firth, she's just a slight mark upon the horizon, yet this is a rare and exciting enough event for me to reach for my camera, the miracle machine which....

....enables me to see her much more clearly and realise that we've met her before.

The Marine Traffic website confirms that this is the offshore support vessel Esvagt Alba - more details about her from a previous post in November 2023, here.

The few ships we see these days are all as distant as this, most coming and going from the oil and cruise port facilities at Invergordon and the Cromarty Firth. Time was we had a far better view of passing ships when we lived right on the Sound of Mull and had....

....all sorts of ships parading close before us.

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