Sunday, September 1, 2024


Last autumn, for some reason, the fungi didn't perform very well. This year they're doing rather better, be it on the links where, in amongst the tall autumn grasses, we have plenty of....

....blackening waxcaps which, if one follows them through life, go from yellow to orange to red to brown to black. There is also an impressive display of....

....puffballs, this one almost perfectly mimicking a golf ball though many are bigger than a tennis ball. Also scattered around are....

....their exploded remains.

In the pine plantations the brittlegills are appearing, some the size of a saucer.

I rather dread each fungal season. I keep telling myself it really doesn't matter whether I identify these fungi or not, yet I feel it's untidy to have taken the trouble to photograph them if I'm not then going to make some effort to identify them.

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