Saturday, September 14, 2024

Red Squirrel


Part of our walk to the village shops is along what we call Squirrel Alley, a woodland path which runs between the back gardens of some houses (right) and the Sutherland Estate forestry (to the left). It's an ideal place to see the red squirrels which were reintroduced here about four years ago and their descendants, but we haven't seen one in months, until this morning when....

....this squirrel, which had been feeding at one of the feeders put out by the garden owners, decided to cross the 'alley' via the branches above us, giving us....

....plenty of time to watch and to take some photographs.

The squirrels were reintroduced both here and into the forestry above Big Barns to the north of Golspie, and seem to have done well, particularly as they are the most northerly of Scotland's red squirrel populations. Some have been seen close to Dunrobin Castle, which means they have managed to cross the busy A9 road.

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