Heavy showers almost put us off going to Littleferry this morning as planned but I'm so pleased we did as, once through a very wet Ferry Woods we found the links....
....a carpet of wildflowers under a warm sun. Perhaps wildflowers like a hard winter as they seem to have gone mad, with....
....kidney vetch and....
....purple milk vetch and bird's foot trefoil everywhere. Only one flower seemed alone....
....this one, a single bloom of what we think is marsh cranesbill. We even found....
....the first heather in flower, the picture taken during one of the many heavy showers.
With this feast of flowers available the summer butterflies were out - this is the first meadow brown of the year. Oh... and I almost forgot....
....the northern marsh orchids are just coming out, hundreds of them, promising a magnificent show in a couple of weeks' time.
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