We walked up the road through Golspie Tower again today on our way to collect fresh eggs from the croft in Backies, passing the splendid displays of flowering gorse in which....
....at least two cock yellowhammers have set up territories, announcing their exclusive rights with their very characteristic "a little bit of bread and no cheeeeeeze” call. Normally yellowhammers stick out like sore thumbs when they expose themselves like this but the gorse camouflages them wonderfully. They're seed eaters so the passing bugs, attracted to the flowers, are probably of little interest.
This picture was taken at the top of the road where it's separated from some houses by a small, rather overgrown burn. Beside it I had spotted an interesting wildflower but hadn't noticed, as Mrs MW had, under the tree at right, a....
....roe deer. Normally, any deer would long ago have taken flight at our approach but this one, instead, stood and watched us as we, very cautiously, moved closer and closer until we were....
....within twenty metres of it. Judging by the small antlers 'in velvet', this is a young male but why he should be so trusting of humans is a mystery.
He did, finally, move away, but he made it quite clear that he wasn't in the slightest bothered by us.
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