With the weather set fine we were on a largely deserted beach again this morning, this time at the Golspie end where, at last, there were some things of interest to look at on the sands, including....
....one small area along the tide line where twenty or so common starfish had been washed up, many of them looking very dead while those still moving were either creating rather beautiful random patterns in the sand or, in a few cases....
....making a determined bid for the sea: we picked this one up and helped it on its way.
We also found a few jellyfish washed up, three of them big including this rather spectacular blue jellyfish - size 8 boot for scale.
A ramble across an area of land between the static caravan park and the sea wall produced the discovery of....
....a scattering of northern marsh orchids. We looked in this area last year so either we were incredibly blind or this is a new colony.
In the same area we found three burnet moths on the wing. These are the same six-spotted burnets as we found last year.
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