It's the time of year when all bird news has to be dominated by the arrival of the next generation and, in particular, the frenetic activity which accompanies the period after fledging. Starlings are noisy children, constantly demanding their parents' undivided attention, the only noisier children being those of the various crow species.
Next in noisy line are the sparrows, our house now being surrounded by chattering hoards of persistent children and stressed-out parents, though nothing will prevent the parents from gathering to enjoy....
....their communal dust baths in the raised vegetable bed.
The sparrow activity has rather pushed other birds out of the garden, though the greenfinches still appear on the peanut feeders but have to compete for space with the very pushy siskins. Sadly, our siskins have rather disappeared again ever since we found.... of them on the ground having obviously been killed and partly eaten by a sparrowhawk. I don't begrudge the sparrowhawk an occasional meal off our peanut- and grain-fed small birds but I do wish it would take the more abundant species, like the sparrows, rather than those that frequent the garden less, like the siskins.
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