Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Return to Littleferry

Our last visit to Littleferry was almost eight weeks ago, and since then I've had a long haul from the confinement of  a bed in Raigmore hospital to stepping out onto the familiar links with their much-changed population. For a start, the northern marsh orchids have all disappeared, so we looked for excitement elsewhere, finding it.... the masses of toadflax in just one small area. However, the dominant change was to the heather which, on our last visit, wasn't in flower but is now a wonderful display of both ling and bell heather, the latter including.... small patch of white heather, something I can't recall seeing at Littleferry before.

Sadly, the weather was far from ideal, with a low overcast which threatened rain. We'd hoped for some sunshine as there should have been some butterflies about: we did see a couple of common blues and one that might have been a fritillary so they are there, in sharp contrast to our garden where we didn't see a single butterfly yesterday.

Our walk was a short one as my ankle is still recovering. As soon as we have a forecast for a sunny day we want to be back at Littleferry to enjoy it fully.

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