Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Small Excitements

So far we've missed out on the Perseid shooting stars and recent auroras, the auroras so strong they were visible in the south of England, but the disappointments were in a small way made up for by Monday's sunset, its spectacular oranges reflected in....

....the colours of this pair of tortoiseshell butterflies. They're the first butterflies to visit the buddlieia we've been at such pains to plant in both the front and back gardens, up until then ignored by all of the few insects which have visited us. Gratifyingly, they stayed all day, most of the time feeding close to each other.

We found some excitement too while taking a gentle stroll along Golspie's promenade, when we stopped to watch this grey heron taking on an eel. We stayed for some minutes as the eel....

....twisted and wriggled and tried to wrap itself round the heron's beak, and a couple of times the heron....

....looked as if it was going to give up the fight but as, rather unwillingly, we left to keep an appointment....

....they were still locked in battle.

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