Monday, August 12, 2024

Winners & Losers

This summer's peculiar weather has produced some very definite winners and losers in the local plant world. One of the winners is the ling: I don't think I've ever seen so many blooms on it, nor such vibrantly bright shades of lilac. By contrast....

....the white-flowered autumn gentians which we were so excited to find flourishing when we first visited Littleferry now seem to be....

....dead almost as soon as they're grown. We didn't see a single green-leaved gentian plant anywhere on the links, and it was the same last year.

Another winner is the Scottish bluebell - harebell in England - which is flourishing all over the Littleferry links. What I notice, though, is that the plants appear shorter there this year which, again, may be a response to the grey summer we've had.

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