Wednesday, August 28, 2024

More Butterflies

In a sunny Speckled Wood this morning I was treated to a fine display of....

....speckled woods, a species which has done well this year.

Back in our garden, we enjoyed visits from some truly beautiful butterflies, first a....

....peacock then....

....a red admiral. However, as the sunshine and exceptional temperature of 21C gave way to grey clouds and thundery rain, one of the buddleias was suddenly host to no less than....

....ten peacocks.

I can only imagine that, somewhere close by on a patch of stinging nettles, there had been a hatching of peacocks, these being the ones which, hopefully, will overwinter in a secluded spot such as a garden shed before emerging any time from March onwards to feed and produce the next generation.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you, and thanks for the kind words. Jon
