Friday, August 16, 2024

More Excitements

In search of today's excitement and a daily paper we walked through the woods to the village rather than along the road. It's a much more pleasant walk but we're discouraged from doing it if the path is wet and, therefore, slippery - which today it wasn't as, despite a very cloudy day yesterday, we've not had much rain.

The joy of this woodland walk is that the section shown in the picture, which runs along the back of some houses whose inhabitants put out food, is the best for spotting red squirrels, which we haven't seen in months - but....

....we did see one today, only briefly as we disturbed it on the ground and it obviously didn't feel safe until it was high in one of the big pine trees

By comparison, our garden hasn't offered much entertainment as its wildlife seems to be away on its annual holiday. Very suddenly the bird feeders, even those which offer prime sunflower kernels, are deserted, the only activity being from....

....a pair of collared doves, an occasional chaffinch, and....

....two adult robins which are sorting out who owns the garden by chasing each other all over the place. The young robin which we saw some ten days ago has disappeared.


  1. Could your young robin have lost it's juvenile feathers now and be one of those you see today?

    1. I suppose it could - it’s a nice idea!
