Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Wealth of Butterflies

After truly dismal weather yesterday, when the mercury struggled to reach 15C and we didn't see the sun, and when 8mm of rain and a keen wind helped to make it seem colder and even more dismal, today dawned fine and, walking through the woods in the direction of the village, we came across our first butterfly, a lone speckled wood. Once out on the open meadow we found....

....several whites feeding on the knapweed.

On our return home, we had the pleasure of the company of....

....a red admiral on our neighbours buddleia and....

....a peacock sunning itself on the gravel path. Then, to complete our day, we spotted....

....a small copper sunning itself on a convenient rock.

After days of seeing very few butterflies, today was a pleasure. 


  1. The Small Coppers always have such endearing faces with their white-rimmed eyes. That photograph is a match for many insect books.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Derryck.
    They are such delicate little butterflies - the picture doesn't give a sense of scale. We've seen more of this butterfly this season - wet as it is - than in any other year.
