Thursday, August 17, 2023

Backies Fungi

We were back in the woodlands between the Golspie Glen and the crofting township of Backies yesterday looking for this fungus which we found a week ago and which one of our readers, DM, has kindly identified as possibly a wood blewit, but wanted a picture of it in its later stages to confirm the identification.  We found the place where it was growing but the recent dry weather has been cruel to the fungi so we're not sure whether this photo....

....of what might be the same fungus will help.

The walk was well worth it for the discovery of this fungus, almost certainly yellow stagshorn, which we've found before but which looked just like a flame igniting in the dry pine litter.

Another interesting find was this polypore, possibly a hoof fungus, which looks as if someone polishes it regularly but a sad sight was this....

....mature oak tree with an 'infestation' of what I think is....

....honey fungus.

Our walk wasn't solely to check on the local fungi: we were, once again, on the hunt for some of the excellent Backies croft eggs. Sadly, as we approached the cupboard in which they are available, a rival customer was just removing the last half-dozen. Never mind, this gives us an excuse for another visit to Backies.


  1. I can't be certain but looking on-line for pictures of old specimens, it looks correct; gill pattern and depressed cap and even the stem pattern is there. I suggest you don't eat it (or serve it to the in-laws in case you find yourself on Australian television news).

    1. Your id is good enough for me. It certainly looks like the pictures on-line. Thanks for your time on this, Derryck.
      Too late to serve it to the in-laws!
